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Monday, January 30, 2012

Book Review - A Girl's Guide to Life

I am the mother of a nearly 14 year old.  Need I say more? 

A Girl's Guide to Life by Katie Meier and published by Thomas Nelson sports the following subtitle:

The Truth on Growing Up, Being Real, and Making Your Teen Years Fabulous!

Who can resist such a promise!  

I bought this for my daughter last year and gave it to her as she was leaving for a Revolve Tour conference in Orlando.  She loved it and has been taking Katie's sage advice to heart.  I am watching my middle schooler blossom from a "nerd" into a beautiful young woman.  She goes to high school in the fall and I'm no longer quite so scared for her.  

I wish I had a copy of this book at her age.  While my faith was solid, I still hit some bumps in the road that I wish I could have avoided!

This book is filled with conversations with real teen girls, a foundation on God and the Bible, and helpful tips and questions for the reader.  Your daughter will gain an encouraging and fresh perspective on her life and her role as she grows into a woman.


Book Review - The Butterfly Effect by Andy Andrews

In 1963, Edward Lorenz made a presentation to the New York Academy of Sciences and was literally laughed out of the room. His theory, called the butterfly effect, stated that a butterfly could flap its wings and set air molecules in motion that, in turn, would move other air molecules–which would then move additional air molecules–eventually becoming able to influence weather patterns on the other side of the planet. For years this theory remained an interesting myth. In the mid 1990s, however, physics professors from several universities, working in tandem, proved that the butterfly effect was accurate, viable, and worked every time.

Andy Andrews weaves a story based on scientific principles that helps us focus on the impact that we have on others - which Andrews calls the Butterfly Effect.  Originally written as a book for the prevention of suicide, this book has become a runaway success with broad application.

This is a quick read, just over 100 pages.  It is a great gift, particularly to someone who has impacted your life.  The publisher is Thomas Nelson.

Andy uses examples from history where one action by one individual has impacted millions in later generations.  Andy says, "There are generations yet unborn whose very lives will be shifted & shaped by the moves and actions you take today."

Since we just came through the Christmas season, many of you will remember the story of George Bailey in It's A Wonderful Life, where George saw what would have happened if he hadn't been born.  This book may make you think along the same lines. 

You do matter.  More than you know.

Book Review - The Boy Who Changed the World

We all have a calling.  Some call it your "life purpose", still others your "reason for living" and in France, they would say "raison d'ĂȘtre".
This book by Andy Andres recounts the life of a boy who discovers his reason for being.  

In looking for schools for my 11 year old and 13 year old to go to next fall, I'm amazed with the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Magnet School program in Tampa and their focus on world view and making a difference.

While I doubt that Andy's main character Norman went to an IB Magnet School, he later learns about the impact that one boy can make on the world.

Norman got his beginning by simply playing in the fields.  Later he would grow up and use his knowledge of agriculture to save the lives of two billion people. Two billion! Now that is a life purpose.

I have shared this sweet story with my son, in hopes that he will realize that he too can make a huge difference on the world.